25 June 2009

Why Kenya?

In 2006 when I was planning my first trip to Africa I was continually asked WHY KENYA?  Why was I leaving my job, my friends and my family to live in a third world country full of strangers for the better part of a year?  When confronted with this question I gave scripted answers: Because I want to help the less fortunate.  Because the timing is right.  Because I've always wanted to go to Africa.  While all of these statements are correct, the answer I really wanted to give was "I don't know, I guess I'll find out when I get there."

And that's the beauty of an experience like that.  I went to Kenya with no expectations and left with an entirely new outlook on life.  Everything about Kenya challenged me to grow and to broaden my view and understanding not only of global issues like the AIDS pandemic and child poverty but emotional and spiritual issues as well.  So often Africa is seen as one land, one people, one problem but I've had the honor and privilege of knowing and loving a handful of these Africans as individuals.  Since returning from Kenya, I've shared my experience through my photographs and writings, hoping to inspire people to become involved in this worthy cause.  I am ecstatic and humbled that these many amazing women feel led to join me on my return to Kenya this fall and that so many more wish to be a part of the trip financially and prayerfully.  

Now when I'm asked WHY KENYA, I simply respond WHY NOT?

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