17 October 2009

Details To Come...

Okay friends, I had big plans of big posts today but I'm finding myself a little short of time, so here's the Cliff's Notes version:
  1. Medical camp at Mbaruku IDP was a success yesterday! Have lots to post about this one, complete with photos, and will do so once I'm back home.
  2. Katie Gotaas has arrived safely and it's so wonderful to have her here! Sharing my projects and my life in Kenya with friends from home has been a huge blessing!
  3. Tomorrow morning Tami, Katie and I head to Tanzania where we will tackle Mount Kilimanjaro - the highest point in Africa at over 19,000 feet. Pray we make it to the top and back down in one piece!
  4. I get back to Chicago on October 28th and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone - especially ESSIE!!!

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