01 November 2009

Playing Catch Up

Before I say anything else, let me first report that I am home. It's a perfect fall day in Chicago - the Bears are winning, the sun is shinning and the leaves are all of the colors that I love. Throwing the tennis ball for Essie this morning, I thought about how lucky I am to experience a little taste of fall, my favorite season of the year, especially when I was sure that I would miss it altogether this year. Thank you, Global Warming, for throwing off the seasons!

I have a long list in front of me of blogs I intend to write in the next couple of days to catch everyone up on the exciting end of my two months in Africa, so stay tuned. Lots of photos to accompany the posts and, probably, a sort of reflective feel. I already feel so far away from Kenya and all of my friends there. Far from the Dust Babies, the kids in Kibera, Irene, Bridget, George, Annie and all of the others. But it's comforting to know that in this great big world, they are still only an email away.

So keep checking back! Now that I don't have to pay for internet (well, not by the minute anyway) the posts are bound to be a bit more spread out. This week is meant for catch up!

1 comment:

  1. Heya Jen it's Amy! There are about 500 Jen Winters on facebook.. can't find you! I'm kashmir34@hotmail.com (think I gave everyone my gmail address)
    Hope your guys got on well climbing the mountain!
    be in touch, axxx
