05 November 2009

Kibera Goodbyes

October 14th was our last day at Jamii School in Kibera and Tami and I decided to celebrate by breaking out the last of the face paint. As I mentioned in a previous post, face paint is always a good idea! It was a fun day in Kibera - the recent outbreak of chicken pox had subsided, Obama, a little boy who had measles, was back in school and his old, playful self and the rain was held at bay for one final day.

Sisters Peris and Euphinia

I miss the kids at Jamii, but I feel okay about leaving them. In 2007 when I left Mary's school things were so uncertain and there was such animosity between the director of the project and the teachers and it was difficult to leave those kids, not knowing exactly what would happen. But the kids at Jamii are in good hands. The teachers and the director are all happy and really look out for the well-being of the kids at the school. The feeding program, though somewhat sporadic, is in place and the Jamii International Organization helps fund specific projects. Jamii was the perfect placement for me on this trip, and I hope to visit again someday.


Tami, the artistic one, handled the face painting

Jamii School in Kibera

Safari Jenn and Teresia

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