22 September 2009

Be A Part of BARUKU!

Baruku: a view from above

Yesterday was a holiday in Kenya, for the end of Ramadan, so the Yes We Kenya girls headed back to the Baruku IDP Camp, making it my 4th visit with the Dust Babies. It was a very productive day - the chicken farm details were worked out, the proposed site was marked, construction materials were itemized and purchased and more baby clothes were handed out to the several infants at the camp (over 10 babies under 1 month old). I'm extremely excited for this project that is now quickly taking shape! We are planning on visiting again on Thursday, and most of the construction should be completed by then, all we still need are chicks!

George, my host dad (pictured above with Lyndsay and a Dust Baby) came with on Monday and was extremely helpful in helping us manage everything. We've decided to go with a new breed of laying chicks called Kenbro - a crossbreed of two popular Kenyan breeds but are much healthier and less expensive to maintain. We are ordering the chicks tomorrow from a lady near Karen, and hopefully in the next two weeks they will arrive and be ready for their new home in Baruku! Kuku for Baruku is the name of the project, it has a nice ring to it, don't you think? (FYI: Kuku is Kiswahili for chicken.)

A shy Dust Baby

Like I mentioned before, I've now been to Baruku several times and feel strongly that this is my 2009 project in Kenya. So many people have been generous to send me here armed with donation money, and for that I'm so grateful! Without your help, I would not be able to do this chicken farm project in order to assist the Dust Babies and their entire community. Of course, any other donations made through this blog or through sending money in care of my parents or family will be used to assist not only in this project, but, hopefully, in other projects at Baruku. Long term goals include a house building project so that theses families can move out of their long expired tents, a couple of water tanks to help sustain the communtiy during the long dry season, medical camps and other forms of medical care for the residents of Baruku and paymet of school fees so that children from Baruku can continue their education. I feel so inspired that people from home have taken to this project and wish to take part in it. As hopeless as the situation at Baruku and other IDP camps seems, I am confident that they can rebuild their lives.

Lyndsay and Lauren taking a "football" break

A couple of the older girls at Baruku - I think that they really
enjoy practicing English with us.

George, Steven, John and other Baruku committee members
discussing the project

One of the original Dust Babies.

My host sister, Bridget, joined us on this trip. It was really
special to have her there.

One of the refugee tents. They expired in June 2008, and the rains
are about to come. A longer term project, Baruku needs houses.

George marking the corners of the proposed chicken coup
to be measured for materials.

Helpful older siblings.

Heather's fun hair is a HIT with the Dust Babies!

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