29 September 2009

Glad Kids Brosis

A bunch of us - Nikki, Heather, Lyndsay, Lauren, Dre and I - set out in the hot sun down Ngong Road yesterday to meet with Abel Siro, the director of Glad Kids Brosis Education Centre in Lenana. It was great to see the centre and how far they've come in the past three years. My siblings and I sent money through Irene to purchase food for the kids at the centre back in May, and they were able to have a feeding program for about 8 weeks because of that. They still have porridge at the morning break, but, due to a lack of funds, the lunch program has been put on hold. Otherwise, the school is doing very well and the students seem happy and well cared for. If you would like to donate to the Brosis feeding program, please email me for more information safarijenn@gmail.com

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