07 September 2009

Nagolie Nkera Children's Home

Last Thursday I went with Irene to visit Nagolie Nkera Children's Home in Maasailand. This is a project that I visited three years ago on a little Nairobi getaway with Tessa, Annie and Irene and it was so wonderful to be back! The project is run by Mama Agnes - a wonderful woman with an enormously kind heart. The project is on the small side - 26 orphans live at the Children's Home and all seem extremely happy, healthy and well cared for. Agnes doesn't want the project to get any bigger because she loves having a relationship with each of the kids there and having the opportunity to counsel them individually - especially since most of them have been through extremely traumatic situations. These 26 kids all need a mom, and Agnes certainly fits the bill! After dealing with Mary and her difficult ways on Wednesday, it was so refreshing to see a well-functioning project with a well-intentioned project director.

*I'm going to do my best to get a photo or two to load in the next couple of posts, but I can't promise anything. Not only is the connection on the slow side, but this computer has no program to resize the images. If I'm not able to upload them now then I'll add them later, so check back!

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