07 September 2009

Kuku for Baruku!

After a lot of thought and talking with volunteers placed at various IDP camps, I've decided to assist the small IDP Camp of Baruku (home of the Dust Babies) by setting up some sort of sustainable project. Food drops are great and helpful, but in a couple of weeks the food is gone and everyone is back to where they started: hungry and discouraged. It's a bit of that "give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry" kind of mentality. I return to Baruku with Irene and a few others on Wednesday, and I plan on looking into the possibility and costs of setting up either a chicken coup or a small goat farm. That way it will become a project for the community and it will be sustainable and expandable.

Many of you have been so generous in your donations, and it's important to me to use the money in a way that is most meaningful. Since meeting the Dust Babies and seeing their situation, I haven't been able to get them out of my mind and I feel, very strongly, that they are the new babies I've been sent here to assist. I have a little over $1000 in donations at the moment, and am still collecting (donate via Paypal, button on the upper right). Stay tuned to learn about my time in Baruku on Wednesday and what I find out as far as costs and scope.

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