13 September 2009

Kibera Medical Camp

Maurice, mentioned in the previous post, arrived on Friday with two volunteers from the US to set up a two day medical camp at the Jamii School in Kibera to serve the community. I had the pleasure of working the first day of the medical camp, and we were joined, also, by a doctor and a nurse from Kenyatta Hospital. It was a long day in Kibera but we were able to see and treat over 100 Kiberan children, many of them under two years old.
The last patient to be seen on Saturday. Waiting patiently!

I had a nice time chatting with Maurice about his organization and his vision for his homeland. I told him about the IDP camps, especially Baruku, and he is trying to organize a visit to give exams to the Dust Babies later in the week. I really hope that this works out, stay tuned to hear more!

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